Saturday, October 31, 2009

Ghost of the mummy at Hamilton
T. Dillon

In October, days shorten and cold wind begins to howl through the trees of Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park and Museum near Hamilton. As leaves fall, the park remains a beacon of natural beauty and man-made artistic splendor. Nonetheless, staff and visitors have noticed an increase in mysterious occurrences on the property. There can be only one explanation: the Mummy’s curse. . . .

Some staff members have spotted an unidentified creature near the ruins of an old stone house on the property. “Never be the last one to leave at night,” says Dave Smith, Manager of Facilities, “it gets so dark you can’t tell what’s moving in the distance.” When asked about this creature, one intrepid 8-year-old paranormal activities expert provided a theory: “It’s the mummy. He lives in the woods during the day and at the old stone house at night. He wants to get back into to his coffin, but the doors are locked.” As Halloween approaches, we cannot say whether the afterlife has been kind to Ankh Takelot.

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